55 Oak St, Norwood, NJ 07648

Ciao Tony

Italian Communication Network

Monday / Lunedi:  11:00AM-1pm New York, USA / 17:00-19:00 Italia

Wednesday / Mercoledì:  11:00AM-1pm New York, USA / 17:00-19:00 Italia

Friday / Venerdì:  10:30AM-1pm New York, USA / 16:30-19:00 Italia

Saturday / Sabato:  8:30AM-11:30AM New York, USA / 14:30-17:30 Italia

Tony Pasquale

New York, USA

Un’appuntamento con intrattenimento, dirette interviste, Comunita’ radiogiornale, sport, e tanta buona musica… “Ciao Tony Show” none’ da perdere!!

An appointment with entertainment, direct interviews, radio news community, sports, and lots of good music… “Ciao Tony Show” non e’ da